About Downtown Crossville
Downtown Crossville, Inc. (DCI) is a 501c3 nonprofit corporation. We are a group of volunteers who came together in 1994 to save the historic Palace Theater from the wrecking ball. The group successfully accomplished that goal and then moved on to address other issues facing downtown Crossville.
Crossville's downtown area has always been vital and energized and DCI volunteers work to ensure that it stays the way. Our commitment is to encourage, advance and support retail development and entrepreneur growth in Cumberland County, to maintain and preserve the local charm and historic aspects of Crossville, to instill a sense of community for the benefit of all citizens and to focus on the future.
The Downtown Crossville, Inc. organization consists of four (4) Officers, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers are elected by the Board of Directors at the annual meeting and serve a one (1) year term.
Downtown Crossville, Inc. also has no less than three (3) and a maximum of fifteen (15) Board of Director positions and is the policy making body of the organization. Each Board Member is elected for a three year, staggered, term at the annual meeting and is responsible for overseeing assigned committees. These committees are responsible for specific events, work projects, or functional areas of the corporation.
Corporate Officers
Patrick Guthrie
Rhonda Jay
Allison Crawford